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The Process

You are a busy person that doesn’t have time to sort through financial statements for hours.  So, Stadium Financial has minimized the number of inputs and outputs you need to keep track of for your plan to be a success.

You’ve probably seen a retirement planner give a chart like this one:  

You see a cone with 90% confidence but what does that mean?  If you are outside the cone do you have to delay retirement? For how long?  Or do you have to live on 90% of the income you expected?  What adjustments can you make now to fix it and get back on track?  I haven’t found anyone that can explain to a client how the ‘cone of uncertainty’ affects them.

Our financial planning process gives you concrete numbers that are clear to follow.  It’s also clear what needs to happen as those numbers change.

Stadium Financial’s framework provides a complete financial plan; it doesn’t skimp on details.  Your part is easy, though: we’ve consolidated the inputs you need to make and the outputs you need to follow.

Financial plans that get implemented = Better Financial Planning.

Our financial planning process consists of 7 sections:

  1. Risk Management: Emergency fund, insurance needs, and job (in)security planning.
  2. Retirement goals: How much to save for the retirement you want.
  3. Cash flow analysis: Make sure your budget is cash flow positive in order to fund your other goals.
  4. Investment process: Match your risk tolerance to a diversified portfolio that will achieve your goals.
  5. Taxes: Minimize, defer, and avoid taxes in all phases of planning.
  6. Estate plan: Make sure your wishes are met after you are gone.
  7. Other goals: College funds, down payment for a home, charitable giving, etc.